HealthPayerIntelligence News

Employers Identify Key Biosimilar Strategies, Knowledge Gaps


By shifting plan design, formulary design, drug pricing, drug availability, and sites of care and drug administration,  employers can create a health plan that is more accommodating for...

Medicare Premiums, Inflation Create Affordability Challenges


Medicare beneficiaries are experiencing healthcare affordability challenges in 2022 due to Medicare Part B premiums and inflation, according to a survey. Pollfish surveyed 1,250...

4 Ways That 1115 Medicaid Demonstrations Can Address Health Equity


Medicaid programs can use 1115 Medicaid demonstration waivers to expand health equity in four key ways, by expanding eligibility and benefits, filling gaps left by the Affordable Care Act,...

AHIP: Next Steps Toward Primary, Behavioral Healthcare Integration


AHIP called on providers and policymakers to join payers in their efforts to integrate behavioral healthcare and physical healthcare in an issue brief on the subject. The payer organization laid out...

Top 10 Most Expensive Chronic Diseases for Healthcare Payers


Chronic diseases are on the rise in the United States, leaving healthcare payers with the challenge of covering care for patients with these expensive, long-term conditions. Chronic diseases are such...

Smokers in Medicaid Rarely Accessed Cessation Medication, Counseling


Medicaid fee-for-service beneficiaries who tried to quit smoking cigarettes rarely accessed cessation medication or counseling despite the wide range of cessation treatments that Medicaid covers, a...

30% of Seniors Still Experience Impacts of Foregone, Delayed Care


Senior members might continue to see canceled or delayed care even as coronavirus cases decline, a trend which has had significant impacts on payer revenues and spending in 2020 and 2021, a report from...

State, Medicaid Coverage For Obesity Treatments Varies Widely


State and Medicaid coverage for obesity treatments is not uniform, despite the epidemic-level impact of the condition and the selection of tested treatment options, according to a report from the Urban...

Humana, UofL Invest in Health Equity, Social Determinants Initiative


Humana has partnered with the University of Louisville (UofL) to help promote health equity and boost health outcomes for underserved communities through the university’s Health Equity Innovation...

BBBA, Medicaid Expansion Could Expand Coverage For HIV Community


In states that have not adopted Medicaid expansion, individuals with HIV have limited access to care, but pending legislation and potential future expansions could change those circumstances, a Kaiser...

9 Employer Best Practices for High Deductible Health Plan Design


Employers are exploring ways to promote effective high deductible health plan benefits utilization among members, as noted in a report from the National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) and...

CareFirst Distributes $1.76M to Address Diabetes Epidemic, SDOH


CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst) has awarded $1.76 million to local health organizations to help address the diabetes epidemic and the social determinants of health that drive the chronic...

7 Steps for Employer Social Determinants of Health Strategies


Despite the many challenges that can hinder progress on social determinants of health, employer social determinants of health strategies can profoundly impact employees’ families and communities,...

What Are the Pros and Cons of Consumer Driven Health Plans?


Payers have been extending their consumer-driven health plans, also called consumer-directed health plans or CDHPs, as a way to encourage health plan enrollment and save on healthcare costs. Many...

Low Value Care Spending on Low Back Pain Is Decreasing


The healthcare industry is making strides in diminishing low value care spending for commercially-insured patients with chronic low back pain (LBP), according to a research letter published in JAMA...

CMS Updates Medicare Coverage for Certain Lung Cancer Screenings


CMS has announced that it will expand the eligibility criteria for a national coverage determination for lung cancer screenings. “Expanding coverage broadens access for lung cancer screening to...

AHIP Comments on Alzheimer’s Drug National Coverage Determination


AHIP supported CMS on its national coverage determination for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against amyloid for treating Alzheimer’s Disease and offered recommendations for clarification...

CMS Home Healthcare Policy Reduced Hospital Readmissions


The CMS post-acute care transfer (PACT) policy and the use of home healthcare helped reduce hospital readmissions for recently discharged patients and lower hospital expenditures, according to a study...

AHIP Shares Privacy, Cybersecurity Goals To Protect Consumer Data


AHIP has shared its goals and priorities for upholding health IT security and privacy around consumer data in two press releases issued by the AHIP board of directors and the organization’s chief...

High Health Insurance Literacy Tied to Medicare Advantage Enrollment


Medicare beneficiaries with high health insurance literacy were more likely to enroll in Medicare Advantage and select low-cost plans with high Medicare Advantage star ratings, compared to those with...